About me
I work as director and artistic leader, do artistic research and create seminars and lectures. Linked to this I write texts and publications. I also tech at artistic universities in Sweden and abroad.
My work is characterised by a strong development focus and interdisciplinary approach as well as an interest in developing performing arts’ interaction with the audience and society.
My story
Since my debut 1987 I have directed 40+ theatre and music theatre productions and script work for stage and radio, both in Sweden and internationally.
I have built up and lead the performing art operations Mellby Performing Art and Himlabacken (Heavens hill) for 20 years, as director and artistic leader.
The last ten years my work has focused on the meeting between landscape experiences and the experiences of artistic events and happenings, with participation from diverse disciplines and actors, in Sweden and internationally. I create and direct artistic landscape projects and develop innovative courses on master level for performing artists and landscape architects where participants explore the meeting between music, drama and landscape design, and create new stage spaces and meeting places. In this field I have built collaboration with Portugal, Great Britain, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
New and old
My plays often contain new text and music. I like to work with older performing art traditions like the outdoors opera of the baroque or elderly Swedish ideas about the holistic performance, the Gesamtkunstverk, but put them in a modern context. I have studied Chinese and Indian performing art traditions on the ground and used them as inspiration in my artistic work. The antique Greek drama is a special interest that I have used in performances but also resulted in study trips, cultural exchange and publishing of texts.
Next step
Now I’m developing Studio PAL, Performing Arts and Landscape, an international project focusing on how performing art and landscape can be integrated into artistic meetings. My interest is how this can be used when meeting an audience, in planning processes and in societal development, and how performing art this way can be developed in society.
Would you like to take part?
Welcome – please contact me.